what is crop diversification

Crop Diversification :

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Crop diversification is the shift of a crop or cropping system to another more sustainable, location-specific, need-based one to use the available resources in the best possible way.

Approaches of crop diversification

  • Horizontal diversification: Crop substitution, Crop intensification
  • Vertical diversification: PHT & Value addition
  • Other: Land-based, Water based, Varietal

• Measures of diversification:
Herfindahl Index, Simpson Diversity Index (DI:0-1, 0 for completely diversified and 1 is completely specialized), Ogive Index, Entropy Index

Areas for diversification: Low to high-value crops, Water-loving to water-saving crops (Aerobic, SRI), Mono to multiple cropping, Cropping system to farming system, From production to value addition

Crop Diversification

An effective strategy for achieving

  • food & nutrition security,
  • income growth,
  • poverty alleviation,
  • employment generation,
  • judicious use of land and water resources,
  • sustainable agricultural development,
  • and environmental improvement

Need for Crop Diversification :

It  has become a pivotal strategy in achieving multiple goals, such as:

  • Natural resources sustainability
  • Ecological balance,
  • Output growth,
  • Employment generation,

Major Driving Forces for Crop Diversification

1. Increasing income on small farm holdings.
2. Withstanding price fluctuation.
3. Mitigating ill effects of aberrant weather.
4. Balancing food demand.
5. Improving fodder for livestock animals.
6. Preservation of natural resources (soil, water, etc.) is a significant aim.
7. Minimizing environmental pollution.
8. Reducing dependence on off-farm inputs.
9. Minimizing issues with insect pests, diseases, and weed infestations.
10. Increasing community Food security.

Benefits of diversification :

  • Reduce risk from the agriculture sector.
  • Additional employment opportunities.
  • High level of income.
  • Help in overcoming poverty.


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